Travel Guide


Best places to visit in Morocco​ :

The Best Ground Coffee Picks & Where to Get Them
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5 Steps to Make Barista Quality Espresso At Home
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Become a Tour Guide in 12 Steps: The Super Easy Way
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Destinations in Morocco​ :

The Best Ground Coffee Picks & Where to Get Them
5 Steps to Make Barista Quality Espresso At Home
Become a Tour Guide in 12 Steps: The Super Easy Way

Find Hotels in Morocco

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Find Flights to Morocco

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Get a Travel Insurance

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Find a Rental Car

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Morocco is a captivating destination that offers a unique blend of cultural richness, historical depth, and stunning natural landscapes. Here are some compelling reasons why Morocco should be on your travel list:

1. Rich Cultural Heritage

Morocco is a melting pot of Berber, Arab, and French influences. This cultural diversity is reflected in its vibrant cities, traditional music, and diverse culinary scene. Cities like Marrakech, Fes, and Rabat offer a glimpse into the country’s rich history with their bustling souks, ancient medinas, and majestic palaces.

2. Historic Sites

Morocco is home to several UNESCO World Heritage sites. Explore the ancient city of Fes, wander through the Roman ruins of Volubilis, or marvel at the medieval architecture of the Kasbah of Ait Benhaddou. These sites provide a window into Morocco’s storied past and architectural prowess.

3. Stunning Landscapes

From the golden dunes of the Sahara Desert to the rugged Atlas Mountains, Morocco’s landscapes are incredibly diverse. Whether you’re trekking in the mountains, camel riding in the desert, or relaxing on the Atlantic coast, Morocco’s natural beauty is breathtaking.

4. Delicious Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is renowned for its rich flavors and aromatic spices. Enjoy traditional dishes like tagine, couscous, and pastilla. Street food, such as freshly baked bread and savory pastries, offers a delicious experience for food lovers.

5. Vibrant Markets

The souks of Morocco are a shopper’s paradise. In cities like Marrakech and Fes, you can find a wide array of handmade goods, including intricate carpets, leather goods, and traditional pottery. These markets are also a great place to experience the local culture and practice your bargaining skills.

6. Warm Hospitality

Moroccans are known for their hospitality and friendliness. Whether you’re staying in a luxurious riad or a simple guesthouse, you’ll often be welcomed with mint tea and a warm smile. The country’s hospitality makes visitors feel at home and enhances the overall travel experience.

7. Adventure Opportunities

For the adventurous traveler, Morocco offers a wide range of activities. Go hiking in the Atlas Mountains, windsurfing in Essaouira, or sandboarding in the Sahara. Morocco’s diverse terrain provides endless opportunities for adventure sports and outdoor activities.

8. Convenient Location

Located at the crossroads of Europe and Africa, Morocco is easily accessible from many major cities. Its well-developed tourism infrastructure and variety of transportation options make traveling within the country straightforward and convenient.

In summary, Morocco is worth visiting for its rich cultural experiences, historical landmarks, stunning landscapes, delicious cuisine, vibrant markets, warm hospitality, and diverse adventure opportunities. Whether you’re a history buff, a foodie, an adventurer, or simply looking to relax, Morocco has something to offer every traveler.

Morocco is often considered an affordable travel destination, offering a wide range of experiences that can suit various budgets. Here are some factors that contribute to Morocco’s reputation as a budget-friendly destination:

1. Accommodation

Morocco offers a variety of accommodations to fit different budgets. From luxury riads and boutique hotels to budget hostels and guesthouses, there are options for every traveler. Budget travelers can find clean and comfortable hostels or guesthouses starting at around $10-20 per night.

2. Food

Moroccan cuisine is not only delicious but also affordable. Street food and local eateries (called “snacks”) offer budget-friendly options where you can enjoy a meal for as little as $2-5. Dining at mid-range restaurants can cost around $10-15 per person. Don’t miss out on trying traditional dishes like tagine, couscous, and pastilla, which are often very reasonably priced.

3. Transportation

Getting around Morocco is relatively inexpensive. Public transportation, such as buses and trains, is affordable and extensive. For example, a train ride from Marrakech to Fes costs around $20-30. In cities, taxis are a cost-effective way to travel short distances, but be sure to agree on a fare beforehand or ensure the meter is running.

4. Attractions and Activities

Many of Morocco’s top attractions are either free or have a low entrance fee. Exploring the medinas, visiting markets, and admiring the architecture of mosques and palaces often cost little to nothing. Guided tours, excursions, and adventure activities, such as camel treks in the Sahara or hiking in the Atlas Mountains, are also reasonably priced.

5. Shopping

Shopping in Morocco can be a budget-friendly experience, especially if you enjoy haggling. Markets (souks) offer a wide range of products, from spices and textiles to leather goods and ceramics. Bargaining is expected, and you can often secure items at a fraction of the initial asking price.

6. Overall Cost of Living

The cost of living in Morocco is generally lower than in many Western countries, which translates into lower prices for travelers. This affordability extends to daily expenses such as groceries, public transport, and dining out.

Tips for Budget Travel in Morocco

  • Stay in Budget Accommodations: Opt for hostels, guesthouses, or budget hotels.
  • Eat Local: Enjoy street food and dine at local eateries.
  • Use Public Transport: Take advantage of buses and trains for intercity travel.
  • Haggle: Negotiate prices in markets to get the best deals.
  • Plan Ahead: Booking accommodations and tours in advance can often save you money.

In summary, Morocco is a cheap destination to visit, offering affordable accommodation, food, transportation, and activities. Whether you’re a backpacker or simply looking to travel on a budget, Morocco provides an enriching travel experience without breaking the bank.

While tap water in Morocco is generally safe for locals, it is recommended that tourists avoid drinking it directly. Here are the key reasons and some tips for staying hydrated safely during your visit:

1. Differences in Water Treatment

The water treatment standards in Morocco may differ from those you are accustomed to in your home country. While the water is treated and safe for locals, visitors may not have the same tolerance to the local bacteria and minerals present in the tap water.

2. Risk of Stomach Issues

Travelers drinking tap water in Morocco might experience stomach upset or gastrointestinal issues. To avoid these potential health problems, it’s safer to stick to bottled or filtered water.

3. Bottled Water Availability

Bottled water is widely available throughout Morocco and is an affordable option. You can easily find it in supermarkets, convenience stores, hotels, and restaurants. Make sure to check that the seal on the bottle is intact before purchasing.

4. Using Water Purification Methods

If you prefer not to rely on bottled water, consider using water purification methods such as:

  • Portable Water Filters: These can remove bacteria and other contaminants.
  • Water Purification Tablets: These are effective for killing bacteria and viruses.
  • Boiling Water: Boiling tap water for at least one minute can make it safe to drink.

5. Other Tips for Safe Water Consumption

  • Avoid Ice in Drinks: Ice is often made from tap water, so it’s best to avoid it unless you are sure it’s made from purified water.
  • Brush Teeth with Bottled Water: To be extra cautious, use bottled or purified water for brushing your teeth.
  • Wash Fruits and Vegetables with Purified Water: If you are preparing your own food, wash produce with bottled or purified water.


While it is possible to drink tap water in Morocco, it is safer for tourists to opt for bottled or purified water to avoid potential health issues. By taking these precautions, you can ensure a healthy and enjoyable visit to Morocco.

Whether or not you need a visa to travel to Morocco depends on your nationality. Here’s a breakdown of the visa requirements for different travelers:

1. Visa-Exempt Countries

Citizens from many countries do not need a visa for short stays (usually up to 90 days) in Morocco. Some of these countries include:

  • United States
  • Canada
  • United Kingdom
  • Australia
  • New Zealand
  • Most European Union countries (e.g., France, Germany, Italy, Spain)
  • Japan
  • South Korea
  • Brazil

Travelers from these countries can enter Morocco with just a valid passport, which should be valid for at least six months beyond the date of entry.

2. Countries Requiring a Visa

Citizens from countries not listed in the visa-exempt category will need to apply for a visa before traveling to Morocco. This includes nationals from countries such as:

  • India
  • China
  • South Africa
  • Nigeria
  • Pakistan

If you require a visa, you should apply at the Moroccan embassy or consulate in your home country. The application process generally requires:

  • A completed visa application form
  • A valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining
  • Passport-sized photos
  • Proof of accommodation in Morocco (hotel reservations or invitation letter)
  • Proof of sufficient funds for your stay
  • A return or onward travel ticket

3. Types of Visas

Morocco offers different types of visas depending on the purpose of your visit:

  • Tourist Visa: For short-term stays, usually up to 90 days.
  • Business Visa: For individuals traveling for business purposes.
  • Student Visa: For students enrolled in Moroccan educational institutions.
  • Work Visa: For individuals who have secured employment in Morocco.

4. Visa Extensions

If you are in Morocco and need to stay longer than the allowed visa-free period or the duration of your visa, you can apply for an extension at the nearest Police Precinct in Morocco. It’s advisable to start the extension process well before your visa or visa-free period expires.

Morocco is a linguistically diverse country with several languages spoken across different regions. Here’s an overview of the main languages you’ll encounter in Morocco:

1. Arabic

  • Modern Standard Arabic: This is the official language of Morocco used in government, media, and formal communications. It is taught in schools and used in official documents and broadcasts.
  • Moroccan Arabic (Darija): This is the colloquial form of Arabic spoken by most Moroccans in daily life. It has significant differences from Modern Standard Arabic and includes influences from Berber, French, and Spanish. While not used in formal writing, Darija is the primary spoken language.

2. Berber (Amazigh)

Berber languages, collectively referred to as Amazigh, are indigenous to Morocco and have official status alongside Arabic. The three main Berber languages spoken in Morocco are:

  • Tamazight: Spoken in the central and eastern parts of the country, particularly in the Atlas Mountains.
  • Tashelhit (Shilha): Predominantly spoken in the southern regions, including the Anti-Atlas and Souss Valley.
  • Tarifit: Common in the northern Rif Mountains.

Efforts have been made to preserve and promote Berber languages, including their inclusion in education and media.

3. French

French is widely spoken in Morocco, a legacy of the French colonial period. It is the primary language of business, diplomacy, and higher education. You’ll find French used in government institutions, universities, and many businesses, especially in urban areas.

4. Spanish

Spanish is spoken in northern Morocco and the Western Sahara region, remnants of the Spanish colonial influence. It is particularly common in cities like Tangier and Tetouan. While not as widespread as French, Spanish is still understood and spoken by many in these areas.

5. English

English is increasingly popular, especially among the younger generation and in tourist areas. While not as widely spoken as Arabic or French, you’ll find that many people working in the tourism industry, including hotels, restaurants, and tour operators, have a good command of English.


In Morocco, the primary languages you’ll encounter are Modern Standard Arabic and Moroccan Arabic (Darija), with Berber languages also widely spoken. French is prevalent in business and education, while Spanish is common in certain regions. English is gaining popularity, particularly in the tourism sector. This linguistic diversity reflects Morocco’s rich cultural heritage and history.

While travel insurance is not a mandatory requirement for entering Morocco, it is highly recommended for several reasons. Here’s why you should consider purchasing travel insurance for your trip to Morocco:

1. Medical Emergencies

Healthcare in Morocco can be expensive, especially for foreigners. Travel insurance can cover the costs of medical treatment, hospital stays, and even emergency medical evacuation if necessary. This is crucial as it ensures you have access to quality healthcare without the burden of high out-of-pocket expenses.

2. Trip Cancellations and Interruptions

Travel insurance can protect you financially if your trip is canceled or interrupted due to unforeseen circumstances such as illness, family emergencies, or natural disasters. This coverage typically includes reimbursement for non-refundable expenses such as flights, hotels, and tours.

3. Lost or Stolen Belongings

Theft and loss of personal belongings can happen anywhere, and Morocco is no exception. Travel insurance can provide coverage for lost, stolen, or damaged luggage and personal items, helping you replace essentials and continue your trip with minimal disruption.

4. Travel Delays

Flight delays and cancellations can be a significant inconvenience. Travel insurance often includes coverage for additional expenses incurred due to travel delays, such as accommodation, meals, and transportation.

5. Accidental Injury

Accidents can happen during your travels, whether you’re exploring cities, trekking in the Atlas Mountains, or enjoying a camel ride in the Sahara. Travel insurance can cover treatment for injuries sustained during your trip, ensuring you receive necessary care without financial stress.

6. Peace of Mind

Traveling in a foreign country can come with uncertainties. Having travel insurance provides peace of mind, knowing that you are financially protected against a range of potential issues. This allows you to enjoy your trip more fully, without worrying about unexpected expenses.

Tips for Choosing Travel Insurance

  • Check Coverage Limits: Ensure the policy covers high enough limits for medical expenses, especially if you plan on engaging in adventurous activities.
  • Understand Exclusions: Read the policy carefully to understand what is and isn’t covered, particularly regarding pre-existing conditions and specific activities.
  • Compare Plans: Compare different insurance providers and plans to find one that offers the best coverage for your needs at a reasonable price.
  • 24/7 Assistance: Choose a plan that includes 24/7 emergency assistance, so you can get help whenever you need it.


While travel insurance is not compulsory for visiting Morocco, it is a wise investment to protect yourself from potential financial risks. Coverage for medical emergencies, trip cancellations, lost belongings, travel delays, and accidental injuries can provide significant peace of mind and ensure a smoother travel experience.

Morocco is generally considered a safe destination for travelers, but like any country, it has its own set of safety considerations. Here’s an overview to help you stay safe while visiting Morocco:

1. General Safety

Morocco is politically stable and has a relatively low crime rate compared to many other countries. Violent crime is rare, especially in tourist areas. However, petty crimes such as pickpocketing and bag snatching can occur, particularly in crowded places like markets (souks), public transportation, and tourist attractions.

2. Common Scams

Tourists might encounter scams, especially in busy tourist spots. Common scams include:

  • Overcharging: Vendors in markets or taxi drivers might try to overcharge tourists. It’s helpful to know the approximate prices and to negotiate or ensure the taxi meter is running.
  • False Guides: Unofficial guides may offer their services and then demand high fees. It’s best to use certified guides or those recommended by your hotel.
  • Fake Goods: Be cautious when buying high-value items like carpets, antiques, or jewelry to avoid counterfeit products.

3. Health and Hygiene

  • Water Safety: It is recommended to drink bottled or purified water instead of tap water to avoid stomach issues. Also, be cautious with ice in drinks and wash fruits and vegetables with bottled water.
  • Food Safety: Street food is generally safe, but choose vendors that are busy with locals, as this indicates a high turnover of fresh food.
  • Healthcare: Medical facilities in major cities are adequate, but rural areas may have limited services. Travel insurance with medical coverage is advisable.

4. Travel and Transportation

  • Road Safety: Road conditions vary, and traffic can be chaotic, especially in cities. If renting a car, drive cautiously and be aware of local driving habits.
  • Public Transport: Buses and trains are generally safe, but keep an eye on your belongings. Women traveling alone may feel more comfortable in the first-class compartments of trains, which tend to be less crowded.

5. Cultural Sensitivity

Morocco is a predominantly Muslim country with conservative cultural norms. Respect local customs to avoid unwanted attention or issues:

  • Dress Modestly: Particularly in rural areas and religious sites. Women should cover their shoulders and knees.
  • Public Behavior: Avoid public displays of affection and be respectful during religious practices and at mosques.

6. Solo Female Travelers

Morocco is generally safe for solo female travelers, but some may experience unwanted attention or harassment. Tips for solo female travelers include:

  • Dress Conservatively: To minimize attention.
  • Stay Alert: Be aware of your surroundings, especially at night.
  • Use Reputable Services: Stick to well-known accommodations and use trusted transportation options.

7. Terrorism Risk

While the threat of terrorism exists globally, Morocco has taken significant measures to ensure the safety of its citizens and visitors. Security forces are present in tourist areas, and there is a strong emphasis on counter-terrorism.


Morocco is a safe destination for tourists, with low levels of violent crime and a welcoming atmosphere. By staying aware of your surroundings, respecting local customs, and taking common travel precautions, you can enjoy a safe and memorable trip to Morocco.

Morocco is a beloved travel destination for many reasons, drawing visitors with its rich culture, stunning landscapes, and unique experiences. Here are some of the top reasons why people fall in love with Morocco:

1. Vibrant Culture and History

Morocco boasts a fascinating blend of Berber, Arab, and French influences, which is evident in its architecture, traditions, and everyday life. Visitors are enchanted by the historic medinas, bustling souks, and grand palaces that tell the story of Morocco’s rich past.

2. Diverse Landscapes

The country’s diverse geography ranges from the Sahara Desert’s golden dunes to the lush oases and rugged Atlas Mountains. Whether you’re trekking in the mountains, camel riding in the desert, or surfing on the Atlantic coast, Morocco offers a variety of stunning natural scenery.

3. Delicious Cuisine

Moroccan cuisine is renowned for its flavorful and aromatic dishes. Signature dishes such as tagine, couscous, and pastilla delight the palate, while the country’s abundant use of spices like saffron, cumin, and cinnamon add a unique depth to the food. Street food, fresh bread, and mint tea are also highlights.

4. Warm Hospitality

Moroccan hospitality is legendary. Visitors often feel welcomed and at home due to the warm and friendly nature of the locals. Whether staying in a luxurious riad or a humble guesthouse, the hospitality experienced in Morocco is memorable.

5. Architectural Wonders

From the intricately tiled mosques and medersas to the grand royal palaces and traditional riads, Moroccan architecture is a feast for the eyes. Cities like Marrakech, Fes, and Rabat offer numerous examples of stunning Islamic and Berber architecture.

6. Shopping and Souks

The vibrant markets, or souks, are a shopper’s paradise. Here, visitors can find a plethora of handmade goods, including intricate carpets, leather goods, ceramics, and jewelry. The experience of haggling for the best price is also an exciting part of the shopping adventure.

7. Adventure Activities

For those seeking adventure, Morocco offers plenty of activities. Trekking in the Atlas Mountains, exploring the dunes of the Sahara on camelback, windsurfing in Essaouira, or hot air ballooning over Marrakech are just a few options that attract adventure enthusiasts.

8. Festivals and Events

Morocco hosts a variety of vibrant festivals and cultural events throughout the year. The Fes Festival of World Sacred Music, the Marrakech International Film Festival, and the Gnaoua World Music Festival in Essaouira are just a few examples that showcase Morocco’s rich cultural scene.

9. Affordability

Compared to many other tourist destinations, Morocco is relatively affordable. Whether it’s accommodation, food, or activities, travelers often find that their money goes a long way in Morocco, making it an attractive destination for budget-conscious travelers.

10. Convenient Location

Morocco’s proximity to Europe and accessibility from major cities worldwide make it an easy destination to reach. Direct flights from many European cities and a well-developed tourism infrastructure enhance its appeal.

Travel in Morocco

Morocco is a land of stunning diversity, promising to captivate all your senses. With its majestic mountains, serene beaches, charming gardens, bustling medinas, camel rides in the desert, and tea with the Berbers, a Moroccan vacation is full of delightful surprises.

How to plan your trip to Morocco

Our comprehensive Morocco travel guides are perfect for crafting the ultimate adventure. Whether you’re planning a weekend getaway to Marrakech, eager to explore the ‘Blue Pearl’ city of Chefchaouen, or seeking a breathtaking Sahara desert experience, our guides provide all the information you need to plan the perfect Moroccan holiday.

Best Time to Visit Morocco

Choosing the right season is crucial for enjoying your Moroccan adventure:

  • Spring and Autumn (March-May, September-October): These are the best times to visit, with warm temperatures between 20°C – 30°C and sunny skies. Spring, in particular, showcases Morocco’s blooming landscapes.
  • Winter (November-February): Although cooler, winters are dry and ideal for exploring cities with temperatures ranging from 16°C to 21°C. November and February are great for avoiding crowds, and the Atlas Mountains offer snowy adventures like skiing and snowboarding.
  • Summer (July-August): The hottest months can be unpleasant in the cities, but the coast remains more comfortable, making it a good time for a beach vacation.

Generally, Morocco enjoys beautiful, sunny weather year-round, suitable for exploring or even snowy activities.

Coastlines and Beaches in Morocco

Morocco’s nearly 2,000 km of coastline features incredible and unique beaches:

  • Essaouira: A laid-back coastal town with a vibrant fishing port, medina, and long sandy beach perfect for watersports.
  • Legzira Beach: Known for its natural red rock arches, this beach offers a unique and mesmerizing sight.
  • Taghazout: A relaxed fishing village renowned for its surfing spots, with Devil’s Rock Beach being a popular choice for surfers worldwide.

From sunbathing on Mediterranean sands to surfing the Atlantic waves, Morocco’s beaches provide a calming escape from the lively cities.

Food, Culture, and Religion in Morocco

Morocco offers a rich tapestry of food, culture, and religion:

  • Food: Moroccan cuisine is a flavorful journey with dishes like tagines, couscous, and m’hanncha. Tea is a significant part of Moroccan hospitality, symbolizing friendship and storytelling.
  • Culture: Moroccan culture is vibrant, seen in its intricate architecture and artwork, with palaces and souks showcasing detailed craftsmanship in woodwork, textiles, and ceramics.
  • Religion: Islam plays a central role in Moroccan life. This influence is evident in the magnificent mosques, soothing calls to prayer, and daily customs of the locals.

Why You Should Travel to Morocco

Morocco is a beautifully chaotic yet serene country offering diverse experiences. Explore the bustling medinas of Fes and Marrakech, the tranquil Sahara Desert, and the majestic Atlas Mountains. There’s something for everyone:

  • Backpackers: Immerse in the traditional way of life through the labyrinthine streets and souks.
  • Relaxation Seekers: Stay in exquisitely designed riads for a tranquil escape.
  • Adventure Enthusiasts: Enjoy epic activities and clear, starry nights in the Agafay and Sahara Deserts.

Morocco’s unique experiences, stunning landscapes, vibrant culture, and warm locals promise unforgettable memories.

Safety and Travel Advice for Morocco

Traveling in Morocco can be challenging but rewarding. Here are some tips to ensure a safe and enjoyable trip:

  • Crime and Safety: While crime rates are low, be cautious of scam artists, persistent vendors, and pickpockets in popular tourist areas. Politely decline offers from unlicensed tour guides and keep valuables out of sight, especially at night.
  • Solo Female Travelers: Morocco is relatively safe for solo female travelers, but it’s better to travel with someone else if possible. Respect local customs by dressing modestly and avoid walking alone at night.
  • Natural Disasters: Morocco is in an earthquake zone. Although significant incidents are rare, familiarize yourself with safety procedures and stay informed during your trip.
  • Driving in Morocco: Renting a car offers freedom to explore. Traffic in cities can be challenging, but countryside roads are quiet and well-maintained. Use the car horn for communication, keep your documents close, and never leave your passport with the rental company.
  • Travel Insurance: Ensure you have travel insurance to cover medical emergencies, flight delays, and theft for a worry-free trip.

Embark on your Moroccan adventure with these tips and enjoy the enchanting experiences this beautiful country offers.